A Volunteer Visitation Program to Federal and Military Prisoners Throughout the United States
Prisoner Visitation and Support (PVS) is a volunteer visitation program for people incarcerated in federal and military prisons throughout the United States.
Our mission is to provide prisoners with regular, face to face contact from the world outside of prison to help them cope with prison life, encourage personal growth, and prepare for successful reentry into society.
Our vision is to provide qualified visitors to fulfill all requests for visits by prisoners in every federal and military prison.
Our priority is to visit those prisoners who:
• do not ordinarily receive visits from family and friends,
• want or need visits,
• are in solitary confinement,
• are on death row,
• or are serving long sentences.

“I just wanted to tell you how very thankful I am to you for what you have done for me. Mrs. Colleen is such a good-hearted person…Each visit seems to last only seconds because she is so easy to talk with. She always talks to me & treats me as if I am just a regular person & not like a low-life. Thank you so very much for bringing her into my life. She gives me something to look forward to.”
Prisoner, USMCFP Springfield, MO

“I also would like to thank you for your inspiration. You are a great person and have become a great, positive role model over the past few months. I have gained so much knowledge and wisdom that has allowed my brain to free itself from the suffering of mental servitude. Yes, you are my elder, but I have not looked upon a friendship with this much appreciation since I was very young. So I thank you very much.”
Prisoner, USP Florence, CO

“I’ve been incarcerated a little over 2 decades & I never met anyone or a group of people that really cared with no strings attached. Who would’ve ever thought that people actually would take the time to get to know a bunch of misfits that society gave up on? My grandma said that in life we will meet a lot of different people, but never forget the special ones. Suzanne is that special one for me. She really makes a difference. PVS, you are a beacon of light for guys like us.”
Prisoner, USP Coleman 2, FL